
May 31, 2011

Understanding Hijab for Dummies


I found this drawing at the Jiwa Kembara. Credit given to its original artist which is FullWhiteMoon. The drawing is really artistic and it has its own messages to be spread. Sometimes, we even ask the same questions such as does a H woman feel hot in summer? or maybe the question like does Hijab represent the oppression of women pop into out mind.

Oh yes, dummy means mannequin. It is also an informal word for idiot. But, in this case, it means newbie or beginner. :)


Saefullah said...

likes this

Afiq Fadhli said...

Thanks saef~

aNA said...

nak copy ^_^

HiDaYah said...

cute giler!!

Afiq Fadhli said...

kak nad: Silakan.

Hidayah: yup, mmg cute. tp apepon msg yang nk dismpaikan tu penting.

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