
Oct 13, 2012

Malas menulis?


Lama saya tak update blog. Kebelakangan ni, ada satu dilema dalam diri yang menyebabkan saya rasa malas menulis iaitu:

Saya kurang membaca (baca: saya malas membaca)


Jadi apa kaitannya antara membaca dan menulis? Kata Pak Samad,

"Jika ingin menjadi seorang penulis pertama sekali kena membaca, kedua kena membaca, ketiga, membaca, keempat membaca dan kelima baru menulis.”

Keduanya, kata ustaz Hasrizal,

“Buku ringan mestilah ditulis oleh pembaca buku berat. Apabila buku ringan ditulis oleh pembaca buku ringan, yang ringan-ringan itu akhirnya menjadi SAMPAH!”

Dan yang ketiganya, artikel ini. Sedikit petikan daripadanya,

“Antara faktor kematangan adalah membaca. Remaja yang kurang membaca akan menjadi amat sempit pemikirannya, dan tidak terbuka. Sekaligus ilmunya tidak bertambah, dan dia tidak mengalami peningkatan pada cara berfikirnya.”

Saya tidak berhasrat ingin menjadi penulis. Cuma, apa yang saya ingin sampaikan ialah, untuk menulis kena ada ilmu. Tak kiralah samada melalui pembacaan, ceramah, pemerhatian dan lain-lain. Dan apa yang ditulis itu, hendaklah orang lain dapat manfaat daripadanya.

Daripada pemerhatian peribadi, saya dapati orang yang membaca ini, lain pemikirannya. Mereka ini lebih dilihat lebih terbuka dan banyak berfikir sebelum melakukan sesuatu perkara. Bahan bacaan juga perlu diambil kira. Saya tak nafikan, baca buku berat memang susah sebab perlu ada minat dan kesungguhan yang mendalam. Tambahan pula, kalau buku yang dibaca itu bukan bidang kita. Tetapi, apa-apapun, tetap kena ada usaha.

Harapnya, selepas ini, saya akan lebih rajin membaca Smile Doakan!

Sep 1, 2012


Salam Merdeka.

This song is much better in showing the value of patriotism. Happy 55th independence day to my beloved country Malaysia.

"Aku bukanlah seorang perwira
Gagah menjunjung senjata
Namun hati rela berjuang
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini"

Jul 27, 2012

Obstructive jaundice and Angiography


Unit 27- Surgery Department

Dr. Ahmed asked us what we can observe on this patient. I answered “yellowish”. Then he asked the cause of yellowish. The only thing in my head was obstructive jaundice. He started to ask the causes of this disease. There was only one cause that I know which I memorize for the sake of examination which is cancer head of pancreas.

He then kindly explained the causes. He said there are three causes which are something that block inside the lumen of the duct (eg: gallstone). I forgot the second one. The third one is something that compress the lumen such as cancer head of pancreas.

Then, we managed to watch him assist in angiography procedure. Angiography is medical imaging technique used to visualise inside the lumen of vessels.

File:Herzkatheterlabor modern.jpeg

The angiography suite looks like the picture above. Since x-ray involved, we should protect ourselves by wearing the lead apron which is quite heavy while had to stand up for about 2 hours.

The surgeon also explained to us about what he did and the about the things he use. He said, to access the radial arterial, there are 2 approaches used. The first one is by Para cutaneous approach. The first method failed. So he used the second one. He made a small incision at the wrist. Then the procedure began. It lasted for about 2 hours.

One thing I learnt about the surgeon. To be a surgeon, you must able to stand up for a  long period of time and stay focus to do the procedure and I don't think I want to be a surgeon.

Jun 25, 2012

Presiden baru Mesir


Lama tak menulis. Lepas abis exam anat tadi, pergi ke Maadi dengan Iqbal. Tujuannya nak pergi ke Alef Bookstore untuk beli tiket seminar Productive Muslim. Ini seminar mereka yang kedua di Mesir. Tapi tarikhnya sehari sebelum exam Psychology, jadi subjek itu perlulah dihadamkan sebelum seminar itu. Sempat insyaAllah.


Lepas beli tiket, pergi makan jap dekat Pizza Hut. Sambil sembang, baru ingat hari ini keputusan pilihan raya presiden Mesir secara rasmi akan diumumkan. Tapi, khutbah pengerusi pilihan raya, Farouk Sultan sangat panjang. Tak faham sangat apa yang dia syarahkan, tapi analisis pilihan raya ikut kawasan mungkin, dan bantahan-bantahan terhadap keputusan pilihan raya yang dikaji.

Sebab lama sangat, dan malas tunggu, kami pun solat asar dulu. Keluar masjid, tengok jalan, lengang. Masing-masing tekun mendengar radio. Yalah, nak tahu keputusan pilihan raya presiden kan, siapa tak excited. Lepas solat, dalam perjalanan nak ke Metro (sambil dengar radio), tiba-tiba dengar suara jeritan dan laungan takbir.

Tanya pakcik yang berdekatan, “siapa menang?” Dia jawab “Mursi”. Alhamdulillah, gembira tak terkata. Kelihatan wajah riang kebanyakan orang ketika itu. Kemenangan ini insyaAllah sebuah permulaan, bagi Mesir untuk menjadi sebuah negara yang disegani kawan dan lawan.

Saat keputusan diumumkan, di Medan Tahrir.

Mula-mula dulu, IM tak bercadang hendak masuk pilihanraya presiden. Tapi akhirnya mengubah keputusan dengan meletakkan Ir. Khayrat Shatir sebagai calon. Sebelum tarikh penamaan calon ditutup, IM mencalonkan Dr. Mursi bimbang-bimbang kalau Ir. Khayrat tidak dibenarkan bertanding.

Apa yang mereka bimbangkan benar. Ir. Khayrat tidak dibenarkan bertanding kerana kes mahkamah yang dihadapinya. Jadi Dr. Mursi menggalas tanggungjawab tersebut. Ada orang orang mengganggap Dr. Mursi sebagai calon tayar spare. Sebenarnya tidak, kedua-duanya layak sebagai calon presiden Mesir.

Semoga urusan peralihan kuasa berjalan lancar dan pihak tentera mengotakan janjinya untuk menyerahkan kerusi presiden Mesir kepada orang yang selayaknya. Harapnya pihak tentera tidak buat kacau. Kalau tak silap, Turki antara negara yang tenteranya suka kacau pentadbiran. Strategi bagaimana Recep Tayyip Erdoğan menghadapinya boleh digunakan.

Usaha-usaha untuk menyatukan rakyat Mesir dan memantapkan perpaduan perlulah diberikan keutamaan. Harus dingat bahawa terdapat pelbagai golongan di Mesir. Bukan hanya golongon Islamis seperti Ikhwan dan Salafi wujud di sini, tetapi golongan-golongan lain seperti kelompok liberal, sekular, dan juga kristian koptik. Dr. Mursi menang pun dengan peratusan yang kecil.

Presiden-presiden Mesir sebelum ni, semua dari golongan tentera walaupun ramai ulama’, ilmuan dan golongan profesional di Mesir. Tentu banyak tugas dan tanggungjawab sebagai presiden Mesir pasca-revolusi. Sebagai umat Islam, sudah tentu kita hendak lihat laluan ke Gaza melalui sempadan Rafah lebih mudah selepas ini dan bantuan dari Mesir dapat disalurkan tanpa sebarang halangan.

p/s: IM ditubuhkan tahun 1928. Imam Hassan Al- Banna sudah lama tiada. Tetapi generasi yang menyambung perjuangan mereka, Allah bagi kemenangan.

p/ss: Masih dalam fatrah exam. Lagi 2 written, dan 2 oral. Doakan. Dalam fatrah exam ini, rasa macam duduk dalam dunia sendiri. Kurang hiraukan apa yang berlaku di sekeliling. Huuuuu.

p/sss: Tak pergi tahrir tadi sebab pening lepas exam tak abis lagi. Rasa macam rugi jugak tak pergi.

May 28, 2012

UNESCO World Heritage Site


Anda mungkin pernah terdengar perkataan UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tapi apakah itu UNESCO?

UNESCO merujuk kepada the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Program UNESCO World Heritage dimulakan sejak tahun 1952 bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tempat-tempat yang mempunyai salah satu daripada tiga nilai iaitu pendidikan, sains dan kebudayaan.


Antara sebab program ini dijalankan adalah untuk melindungi kuil-kuil purba di Mesir.  Pada tahun 1952, kerajaan Mesir bercadang untuk membina Empangan Aswan. Namun, pembinaan empangan ini akan menenggelamkan kuil Abu Simbel dan Philae. UN hendak melindungi tempat-tempat ini dan dari situlah titik mula program UNESCO World Heritage.

Tempat-tempat yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria tertentu seperti kebudayaan dan nilai sejarah. Hari ni, ada lebih kurang 800 tempat yang diwartakan di seluruh dunia termasuklah Malaysia. Pernahkah anda melawatnya?

Tempat-tempat tersebut adalah seperti hutan, gunung, tasik, padang pasir, monumen dan bangunan, bandar purba dan sebagainya. Sesetengah tempat dapat membuatkan anda terpesona dengan keindahan senibinanya.

Taman Negara Iguazu, Argentina (Sempadan Argentina dan Brazil)

Piramid Giza, Mesir

Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania

St. Katherine, Mesir

Great Barrier Reef, Australia ( Mengandungi koleksi batu karang terbesar di dunia)

Taman Negara Grand Canyon, USA

Gunung Kinabalu, Sabah

Stonehenge, UK


May 27, 2012

Sebelum exam

Baru perasan yang ini adalah entry pertama bulan ni, walaupun May hampir tiba ke penghujungnya! Buku yang kena baca sangat banyakkk. Campur nak kena ingat lagi, campur yang tajuknya kurang difahami lagi. Silibus tahun 2 lebih banyak dari tahun 1.
Masa –masa begini, memang sedap tidur kalau bosan mengadap buku.
Tak pun, baring-baring sambil memikirkan masa depan

Baca buku rilex-rilex sudah. Takyah stress2 ye xD
Sebenarnya, musim-musim camni, memang musim exam pun. Ada yang baru abis macam pelajar kat Jordan, ada yang tengah exam macam orang yang ambil A Level dan ada yang akan menghadapinya macam kami kat sini. Oleh itu, saya nak ucapkan :

Apr 30, 2012

Random thoughts


Some random things that crossed my mind lately.

1. Exam is just around the corner. So here is the schedule of the exam.

Practical exam:
Biochemistry- 24/4
Physiology- 2/5
Histology- 3/5
Anatomy- 17/5

3/6- Physiology
11/6- Biochemistry
23/6- Anatomy
30/6- Histology
10/7- Behavioural Science

5/6- Physiology
12/6- Biochemistry
25/6- Anatomy
2/7- Histology

exam final

2. I like these photos. More important, their messages.


(Ada kaitan dengan kuliyah ustaz hasrizal di bawah)

3- Found this blog from here. Yes, I just know today. She is an American who resides in Cairo. To be frank, I like to read or follow the blog whose author share his/her experience about the life because I can learn something from it. Also, some of the authors were studying in Al-Azhar.

4- There is no term ‘forever alone’ actually because Allah is always with us. 


5- Can someone suggest good English reading materials to me? Because it is very hard to find good Malays book here in Cairo.

6- I don't know why some people are so paranoid with the word ‘BERSIH’ especially in Egypt compare to the other countries.

7- Oh yes, Makes Me Strong is really awesome. =) My friend said that this is not a new song. They only make a new video clip for it.

Apr 28, 2012

Make Me Strong


Please enjoy this soothing song by Sami Yusuf >.<

I know I’m waiting
Waiting for something
Something to happen to me
But this waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Nothing in life is free

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong

I know I’m waiting
Yearning for something
Something known only to me
This waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Life is one mystery
I wish that somehow
You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day you’ll forgive me
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
I beg for your mercy

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong

Apr 21, 2012

2 Books

This post was written in March. In April, I dont do the reading. sigh~


There are some information that I gain from these books.


1- They do not teach financial management at school yet it is one of the vital skill in life. There is one interesting quote from the book:

"Because students leave school without financial skills, millions of educated people pursue their profession successfully, but later find themselves struggling financially"

2- Before this, I learnt that things such as 'house' should be put under 'asset' but the author stated that it is not under the 'asset' but it is under the 'liability' column. Why? Because we cannot generate money from it, but we still have to pay the taxes for that house. Of course, this is not accurate in accounting.

3- The books also teaches about making investment. People likes to play safe in making investment rather than play smart. And of course, as a Muslim, the investment must be free from 'riba'

(Some people criticizes this book, while other people likes it)


The book tells the story of a shepherd who wants to pursue his dream. He travelled from Spain to Egypt to seek the most wonderful treasures known to man. Magical and spiritual element are involved in this story and I am not really understand about them. This book is one of the international bestseller and Paulo Coelho is very famous. But still it didn't catch my attention. Perhaps I should read his other books Smile

Mar 26, 2012

Prof Tariq Ramadan’s speech


Some points that I can share about this video if you don't have sufficient time to watch it.

- Never worship knowledge. Use your knowledge in order to worship better.
- Change your attitude towards your scholars by respecting but with the critical approach.
- The skills of questioning.
- Conflicts of ego. We are not seeking knowledge to make money or having position.
- We are not reading enough. You have books, but you don't read.
- If you want to change the world, change your mind. Build your mind and intellect.

He also talked about 7C

Confidence. Means dont react. Be calm and tranquillity.
Consistency. Islam is great but not all Muslim are great and good. Acknowledge the failure, weaknesses.
Contestation. Being able to say no.There is no blind loyalty.
Compassion. Spread love around you.

So, who is Prof Tariq Ramadan? He is also a Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Oxford University. He is grandson of Imam Hassan al-Banna, the founder of IM. This is my first time watching and listening to his speech and I can say that his speech is inspiring.

Mar 18, 2012

Spring time


Some people said that there is no spring in Egypt. They have only winter and summer here. But, during the transitional period between winter and summer, there are some noticeable events that occur. First, Fajr prayer time becomes early and Isyak prayer time becomes late. Like now, Fajr is at 4.37 a.m. while Isyak is at 7.22 p.m. The earliest time for Fajr is during summer which at 3.07 a.m. (If I am not mistaken)

Spring also had been associated to the idea of rebirth, renewal and regrow especially plants. To be frank, I’m not really sure whether there were flowers here or not during winter but during spring, you can see them budding and grow into beautiful flowers. Here are some flowers that I snap at my school.

Trivia: Can you name the flowers below?










Some tips here. If you are going to shoot closed object, change the focus of lens into macro mode. It will give you sharp and well focused pictures. Lastly, do you know that hibiscus can live well here? Smile


This picture was taken in Taba, Egypt’s most eastern part. Near this town is border for 3 countries which are Jordan, Palestine and Saudi Arabia. =)

Mar 15, 2012

Photo Competition


First time I submitted this photo to this competition, it was rejected because my friend said that I myself must snap the photo. So I told him one that snap the photo is really me. The picture was taken at Pantai Batu Buruk, just about 3km from my house. I like to be here because its ambience is really peaceful.

I enjoyed watching the sea and also observing what people did here. Some people prefer to picnic here because the place is less crowded. Other people played football, fishing, having ‘usrah’ etc. Looking at the sea can make me feel calm especially on a stressful day. Certainly, this is one of my favourite spot to hang out while eating the food that I bought from night market. Here are some pictures of this place.

DSCF9330 I think that is Pulau Kapas

DSCF9331The reason why people called this place ‘Batu Buruk’

DSCF9332Salty water 1

DSCF9333Salty water 2

So, what is Bulan ABC? Basically, it is a month that encourages us to read a lot especially non-medical books. Only people who read can feel the happiness of reading and it is good to share the spirit of reading with the others. This is one of the effort to encourage people to read.

And photo competition is one of the component of this month. Its theme is ‘ A Book A Day, Keeps The Mind At Play’. At first I think that my quote does not fulfil the theme, but when I rethink again, it actually fits the theme. Because al-quran is noble book for Muslim that we must read it everyday.

One more thing that I realize is that to beat the quality of a digital single lens reflex photo is almost impossible because a DSLR camera is designed to take beautiful photo Open-mouthed smile If you want to take beautiful photo, then buy a DSLR. xD

Mar 3, 2012

Cairo Metro 3rd line


Last week, I went to ARMA for a ‘mengaji’ session. Going there by bus which took me about an hour due to traffic congestion. After finishing my business there, I decided to try new Metro line, which is the third line. Metro refers to electric train just like KTM in Malaysia. The station behind ARMA is called Abdou Basha.

DSC_0021Pasha or Basha? I dont know the correct one xD

In Cairo, so far there are 3 metro line. First is El Marg-Helwan line. Second is Shubro-Munib line. And there third one is Airport-Imbaba line. But now, they only open the line from Abbasiyyah to Atabah. Guess that the other stations are still under construction.

DSC_0020 Only 5 stations. lol.

In Cairo, so far there are 3 metro line. First is El Marg-Helwan line. Second is Shubro-Munib line. And there third one is Airport-Imbaba line. But now, they only open the line from Abbasiyyah to Atabah. Guess that the other stations are still under construction.


Inside the train, there were a lot of empty seats and the aircond worked pretty well too. So, to go home from ARMA (Abdou Basha station), I had to transit twice at Attaba (2nd line) and Sadat (1st line) and finally stopped at Sayyeda Zeinab.


Well, this new Metro line offers new way to go to ARMA. Oh yes, ARMA is older name for Malaysian Hall Cairo. The whole journey takes about 40 minutes I guess. Here is one interesting fact about Cairo’s Metro. The ticket for any destination is just LE1 or about RM0.50. Unlike KTM, you have to pay according to the destinations that you want to go. As I remember, from Shah Alam to KL Sentral costs about RM2.50 but here, if you travel from Helwan University to Kobri El-Kobba, it is just LE1.

Well, thats all. Duh, no idea to make an ending. lol.

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